22/11/2023 "Where Am I Wednesday?" We could go around and around in this station. Where do you think it is?
23/11/2023 Another lovely clock seen on the network. This one from the 1930's looks golden after its refurbishment a few years back. The track below it at Aldgate East was lowered by 2m in one night by 900 workers in 1938! Amazing!
24/11/2023 Light up this Friday evening with Illuminate Bermondsey & Rotherhithe. A FREE annual festival primarily for local residents, inspired by the histories of the Thames, the docks, and migration with music & food.
25/11/2023 More fun at Battersea Power Station today. The first ever Prince’s Trust Festive Marketplace there. 11:00-20:00 Turbine Hall A marking the 40th anniversary of The Prince’s Trust Enterprise programme. Time to start our Christmas shopping we think.
26/11/2023 Where Was I Wednesday? Yes! Warren Street the Victoria and Northern lines.
27/11/2023 Happy Monday Everyone.
28/11/2023 We all love London's Royal Parks and yesterday we saw these enjoying Autumn around St. James's Park, the oldest of the collection.
29/11/2023 "Where Am I Wednesday?" Over the past 16 weeks we have been travelling this line. Here it is in it's entirety. Where do you think it is?