05/07/2023 THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Today - 5 July 2023 marks 75 years of the National Health Service. Treating over a million people a day the NHS touches all of our lives.
05/07/2023 "Where am I Wednesday?" This interesting piece of art is on the roof of this station.
06/07/2023 Out and about today in the July sunshine we met up with an old pal - Jens Jakobsen and his ever improving Onion Garden. Look out for it between Victoria and St. James's Park Underground stations.
05/07/2023 It's Back !!! Summer Festival at St. Martin-in-the-Fields - FREE !!!
09/07/2023 Where Was I Wednesday? Yes! Temple on the Circle & District line. And the roof is a public space to enjoy such art.
10/07/2023 Happy Monday Everyone. RTE RIP
11/07/2023 Week 2 and more music for FREE !!! Summer Festival at St. Martin-in-the-Fields. Thursday to Saturday.
12/07/2023 "Where am I Wednesday?" This design's name svastika is Sanskrit, meaning “good fortune” or “well-being” not how it has been hijacked since this station was built.